Sunday, February 22, 2009

Break Into Service

Spring Break is here, which means you are probably home with your family, doing nothing but sitting around and being bored. Even though CKI is temporarily on break, it doesn’t mean you have to. Despite the fact that this is the season to be giving, we all know that service truly never stops, so why let it? Here are some great ideas to keep you active during break and continue serving your community:
- Donate your old clothes. There are a lot of people who need clothes now that spring is coming soon. So why not go through your boxes of old, unused clothes to do some spring cleaning? If you haven’t touched them for years, donate them to someone who really needs them.
- Caroling for cans. Singing is one of the many joys in life, so go on and share it! Organize a can drive by singing cheerful songs to your neighbors. Bring that spring spirit up and provide food to the hunger.
- Donate a toy to Toys-for-Tots. Now, that it is the spring season, lots of children are excited to see that brand, new toy for their birthday; but unfortunately, not every child has that same opportunity. So let’s help them out! Buy a new, unwrapped toy for a needy child in your community.
- Make a Child Smile card. A simple card can brighten a child’s heart, so why not give one to a terminally ill child? Go to to see how you can help bring a smile to a child’s face.
- Tutor children. Unlike college, K-12 grade students might not have a Spring Break, so it’s likely they may need help with school work during our break. Since you have the free time, give them an hour a week to help them out.
- Work at a soup kitchen. A lot of homeless people are in great need for food. Why don’t you help cook and provide this for them? After all, they deserve a good home cook meal, too.

Know anymore? Don’t let this list limit you. There are plenty more volunteer opportunities around your neighborhood. If you see something that interests you, definitely go for it! Share your talent or just provide that helping-hand. CKI is a part of you, so just let everyone know!
Written By: Melissa Kong

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