Sunday, February 15, 2009

Untapped Resources You Need To Know About

You’re officially a part of an amazing collegiate volunteer organization, but are you truly getting out of it everything you possibly can? I am a firm believer that what you put into this organization equates directly to what you will receive from it in return. With all of that extra energy you’re devoting to changing the world; why not make sure you’re also taking advantage of the numerous resources and benefits that Circle K International has to offer that you may not have known even existed? I urge you to continue reading to understand more completely several of the wonderful ways that Circle K differentiates itself from the other competing volunteer organizations to be, indubitably, the best.

Under Kiwanis Umbrella – ella – ella – eh – eh –eh
Have you ever wondered what might happen if you were to be injured while serving others? Ponder this no more! Circle K members are covered under a US1 MILLION dollar liability insurance umbrella and a US 5,000 dollar per incident medical insurance policy during club activities and projects. Fret no longer about potential pains produced from projects, you’re covered under Kiwanis Insurance …and just because you’re in Circle K!

Paid to Serve?
Well, not exactly. It is true; however, that most do not realize the availability of scholarships offered members and the benefits that can be reaped by these honorable scholarships. Scholarship rewards range from $500 to $2,500 with districts also offering their own scholarships. Be sure to check deadlines, however, as they vary based on your district. Every college student needs an extra financial boost; why not partake in the only possible payment process available in CKI?
The After-Life
With graduation looming on my horizons, my every thought seems to linger on the after-college life. Be sure to check with your district’s Kiwanis, as some districts offer a free two years of Kiwanis membership following graduation as a Circle K member. ALL members will receive free international dues for those same two years. You can thus continue on the golden service road through your work in the amazing Kiwanis! That’s definitely something of which to take advantage!

Endowing for Tomorrow
Many clubs are unaware of the Tomorrow Fund grants and how they can help clubs to take action. If you have a pre-existing service project or would like to undertake a community service project in your community, apply for this grant to help support those projects. If funding was ever an issue for one of your service projects, do not let money hinder your efforts any longer! Apply for the Tomorrow Fund!!

Communicable…uhh…Communication Resources
You need something but don’t know how to get it. OR, you need something but don’t yet know that you do? Circle K offers its members ways and means to satisfy all of your needs. If you have a question, need to contact someone, or would like to request materials, feel free to call 1-800-KIWANIS to meet your needs. Can these resources be obtained online? Most likely, so also feel free to check out for the latest news, accomplishments, and resources. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if information was sent directly to your email? Sign up on the Circle K Business Reflector to receive pertinent Circle K business directly to your specified email account! Take advantage of these resources to ensure that you’re getting information when you need it, and even when you might not know you need it!

Circle K resources and benefits are more than the membership cards and pins Circle K’ers receive. Many of the resources have remained untapped by members for far too long! I urge you to take full advantage of all of the benefits that go hand in hand with being in Circle K AND to contact the Membership Development and Benefits Committee if there are any more that you feel should exist! Until then, please go out and tap into those hard-earned benefits!
Written By: Bree Boettcher

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